Lab instruments for oil and gas. Made in Germany.

Temperiermodule - Zuverlässig, präzise, austauschbar

Order NumberDescription
H-399-0111Haake Viscotester 3 L
Main unit, holder for stand, beaker A and B, rotors No. 3, 4 and 5, four AA rechargeable batteries, power supply
Delivered in transport case
H-399-0112Haake Viscotester 3 R
Main unit, holder for stand, beaker 3, rotors No. 1, 2 and 3, , four AA rechargeable batteries, power supply
Delivered in transport case
H-222-2358Rotor 1
Viscosity range: 300 - 15,000 mPas (cP)
H-222-2359Rotor 2
Viscosity range: 10,000 - 400,000 mPas (cP)
H-222-2360Rotor 3
Viscosity range: 30 - 1,300 mPas (cP)
H-222-2361Rotor 4
Viscosity range: 1.5 - 33 mPas (cP)
H-222-2362Rotor 5
Viscosity range: 15 - 150 mPas (cP)
H-222-1685Measuring beaker A
H-222-1684Measuring beaker B
H-222-1686Measuring beaker 3
H-222-1678Stand (optional, not included in main unit)


HAAKE Viscotester® iQ

Individual - Intuitive - Intelligent

The new rheometer for tasks in quality control is the instrument of choice for acquiring simple viscosity curves as well as complex rheological investigations, covering measurements in low viscous liquids up to highly viscous pastes.
Used as standalone unit or controlled by software, its size and footprint makes the Viscotester iQ a portable unit for mobile use or asan important tool in the laboratory. The Viscotester iQ provides you an intelligent solution for your rheologicals challanges.

Individual • Sophisticated design for easy exchange between different measurement configurations
 • Highly dynamic, powerful EC motor for enhanced measurement flexibility
 • Exchangeable self-contained Peltier or liquid controlled temperature moduls
 • Broad scope of measuring geometries
 • Multiple ways of operation

 • Breakthrough concept self-explaning in setup and handling
 • Smart lift function for convenient, accurate and reproducible gap
 • Measuring geometries designed for optimized handling and easy exchange
 • Correct and precise sample filling for parallel plates

Intelligent • Touch screen display fur visualization of numerical and graphical measurement results
 • Intelligent user guidance for measuring and evaluation procedures, selection of suitable jobs
 • Indication of measuring ranges
 • "Connect Assist" quick coupling og geometries and temperature modules with perfect alignment, automatic recognition and feedback
 • "Temperature Assist" rapid real sample temperature control based on dynamic heat transfer model

A broad range of measuring geometries guarantees a high level of flexibility in a wide viscosity range.

  • Automatic detection of upper geometry and adjustment with chosen job
  • Coaxial cylinder  and parallel plate geometries of varois materials, in multiple sizes and with different surfaces
  • Variety of lower plates for matching the upper plate in diameter and appearance ensures ideal measuring conditions and optimal sample filling
  • Disposable geometries e.g. for hardening materials
  • Double gap cylinder for low viscosities
  • Vane rotors for relative measurements on highly filled or inhomogeneous samples with large particles or for measurements in original containers
  • Immersion tube with coaxial cylinders for measurenments directly in the production field
  • Sample hood with solvent trap to prevent heat loss and solvent evaporation and to minimize the temperature gradient within the sample
  • Customized measurement geometries available on request


Universal plug and play temperature modules are available as Peltier or liquid control versions

  • Compact and robust design enables a fast, reliable and accurate temperature control
  • Small dimensioned coaxial cylinders for less sample colume and shorter temperature times
  • Easy and fast switching between coaxial cylinders and parallel plates
  • Optimal material selection guarantees fast temperature equilibration and enables rapid temperature changes

Technical Data
Angular velocity 0,001 .. 157 rad/s
Angular resulution1,25 μrad
Torque range0,2 .. 100 mN⋅m
Torque resolution

0,01 mN⋅m

Shear stress range1)0,7 .. 63660 Pa
Shear rate range1)0,004 .. 11415 s-1
Viscosity range1)0,001 .. 600.000 Pa⋅s
Measuring geometriesCoaxial cylinders
Double gap cylinders
Parallel plates
Vane rotors
Temperature ranges:
  Peltier (TM-PE-C)

Cylinder: -52) .. +160 °C
Plates  : 02) .. +140 °C
  Liquid (TM-LI-C)

Cylinder: -20 .. +1803) °C
Plates  : -10 .. +1403) °C
   TCP/IPfor communication with PC
   USB1 port for data stick with iQ Rheoapp
1 Port for keyboard or barcode reader
Dimensions4) (WxDxH)270 x 500 x 500 mm
Weight4)18 kg
Power supply100 .. 240 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz

1) Depending on measurement geometry used
Depending on ambient temperature
Depending on circulator model and bath liquid
4) Viscotester iQ with Peltier module, heat exchanger and geometry