Lab instruments for oil and gas. Made in Germany.

Manuals for Haake models

You need a manual for an old Haake viscometer or Haake thermostat? We have the most of them available, just send us a short request. To ensure we send you the correct one please include the following:

 - The device name or the combination (e.g. 'Viscotester 02' or 'D8-G', 'DC10-K10')
   For thermostats the controller type is important, the baths does not have an individual manual.
 - If available the type number of the device (seven digits ***-****, located on type plate)
 - 1-2 pictures of the device including the type plate if you are not certain.

Due to the large quantity of different devices we unfortunately can't offer a direct download.

Click here to request: current or old manual for Haake thermostat